Who provides the content for my web site?
This is the most frequently misunderstood aspect of getting a website for a business. Think about your website as being the front door to your business. It’s your face to your clients. Inside your business is all of the services that your provide. You might have to hire a designer to decorate your store so that it’s pleasing to the eyes of your customers. However, you wouldn’t hire that designer to sell your products because they don’t know nearly as much as you do.
It’s the same thing with a Website. A website is a shell that represents who your business is and the services that you provide to your clients. The website designer makes that shell look appealing to those trying to find you on the web, but a designer isn’t in the business of selling your products to your clients.
You are the best person to determine what type of content needs to be in your web site and how you want to be perceived by others. We do not provide content for your web site. It is your responsibility to provide us with that which you want your clients to read. We provide the layout, navigation, graphical interface, which becomes your web site. We also provide several additional services relating to websites and graphic design.
In what form should I send you my content that I want to be included in my web site?
The best form to send content to us is by disk or by e-mail. This is allows WhimsWeb Designs to develop your web site in the fastest time possible without having to manually enter your information. We will accept other forms of content in certain circumstances. This includes preprinted material, faxed papers, mailed papers, brochures, or even text from a book. WhimsWeb Designs does not accept hand written material.
Is it extra if I want pictures or specific graphics included in my web site?
Images and specific graphics that you provide are included in the your web design package, but do not include unlimited slideshows. If specific purchased images are needed by your request, the cost of purchasing those images will be added to your invoice. Remember that the more images you have on a web page, the longer it takes your viewers to download that page. We suggest spreading them out between pages for quicker viewing.
Can you manipulate my pictures to be optimized for web use?
WhimsWeb Designs assumes that ALL content, including images, text, video and graphics, provided to us for your website will be ready to use as is. Yes, we will optimize your photographs for web use upon request. A fee may apply depending on how many photos need to be optimized. Back to Top
How should I send you my pictures and will I get them back?
The best way to send us pictures is through a digital format. This may be by e-mail or disk. We find that digital pictures provide the best quality. If you are unable to send them to us in a digital format, you may send us hard copies via standard mail and we will scan them into a digital format for you. Please note that we will only return your items that you send to us if you make a request for us to do so. As scanning multiple images takes a large amount of time to scan, manipulate, and resize for the web, an additional charge may be involved if there are more than a few.
Do I get final approval on my web site design or am I stuck with what you give me?
We are designing this web site for you. What we do is provide you with a rough draft as quickly as possible. The rough draft is presented to you in order to provide us with your feedback, and is normally a style draft, style meaning the general look and feel of your new site. This time is critical to your satisfaction. Communication is the key. During this phase, we want to make sure you like the style of the site before inputting the majority of the content. We need to know exactly what you like as well as what you don’t like about your web site. We feel this process will ensure your 100% satisfaction. We also recommend that you browse through the internet looking at sites similar to what you would like done, in order to get a better idea of what you might like.
I don’t live in your area. Is this a problem?
With the world of digital communication, there is no problem if you live outside our area. You can send us your information by e-mail (preferred), standard mail, overnight express, or whatever you see fit. It will be as if you live right next door.
Do you have a questionnaire that I can fill out to tell you exactly what I want?
WhimsWeb Designs sees the valuable nature of such a form. Unfortunately, we’re currently revamping our form. It should be up and running shortly. Until then, email and phone calls will work best.
Is there a deposit required to start building my web site?
After we get a general idea of the scope of your project, WhimsWeb Designs will provide you with a quote for the job. If you decide to use us as your website designer, we will require a 50% deposit on all proposed work. This deposit is non-refundable. Once the final site is approved, payment in full is required before we provide you with your new site.
How can you make your web design so affordable when others charge so much more?
All our Internet services are in house. We don’t have the overhead of paying someone else for the services we offer you. This allows us to keep our prices at an affordable and competitive level. Most importantly, we find that this situation is both beneficial for you and our company.
How about hosting my site? Will you host it? Is there a problem if I decide to use another company’s web hosting services? How does it all work?
You are free to use whatever hosting company you wish. We place no restrictions as to where have your web site hosted at. If you need us to provide you server space and host the website for you, we will be glad to do this, too. Please keep in mind that website hosting and domain name registration is a separate cost–usually minimal–cost from your website design quote.
How do I put my newly designed web site on the Internet?
We will do all the uploading of your web site. If you have another hosting company, we will need your user name and password to FTP your new web site to their servers. Please note that we do not upload until your web site is fully paid for. Therefore, we will place it under our web site for you to view our progress until we receive your payment for the completed project.
Can I have changes and/or maintenance made to my web site long after you have finished designing it?
Yes, you may make modifications to your web site after we have finished designing it and the initial cost of the design is paid in full. You may make the changes yourself or you may hire us to make the changes for you. We charge $50 per hour and includes everything from changing a link, inputting new content and fixing a typo, or tweaking designs, video production, photography, and everything else. There is a one-hour minimum for any changes or maintenance. A quote will be provided to you as to how long it will take to make any changes. If any change or maintenance is necessary because of our mistakes, WhimsWeb Designs, will make them at no charge to you.
Am I restricted to the number of pages or items listed with my web site?
No, we may suggest a number but only use them as guidelines. We find that the Internet is a diverse place and it would be difficult to develop a one package fits all scenario. Remember that the size of your site is directly related to the cost involved in designing.
What kind of software do you use for designing web sites?
We use many different types of software on our web design projects, including Dreamweaver, Flash, Final Cut Pro, and numerous graphic and web design programs.
Do you use templates to make your web sites?
The web sites we produce are custom made to your design specifications. You can be sure that you are receiving an original piece of work.
Where can I find resources on building and maintaining a web site?
In order to build and maintain the proper web site, you must keep in mind three important issues. They are the time to learn, the money to spend, and the available resources you have. The time and the money aspects are up to you; however, we can help you out by providing you with some of the numerous resources available on the Internet.
Will I get to keep the files that you design?
WhimsWeb Designs tailors graphics, style sheets, and templates for each specific client. A copy of every file used on your site will be provided for you to use as you wish once full payment is complete. This is included in the price of your package. However, the native files that we design for you belong to our company and are protected by intellectual properly copywrite. But don’t let this worry you. Unless you are a graphic designer, you’ll never need these files. If you absolutely must have these native files, please contact us.